Second Copy Takeaway: Daphne du Maurier, G. B. Stern, & Angela Carter

It’s a Second Copy Giveaway!

Do you ever literally not know what’s double-stacked on your shelves?

I’ve been weeding to make room for my London books and discovered in exasperation that I have Two-Copy syndrome.

I am giving away:

stern-61. Daphne du Maurier’s My Cousin Rachel.   This is an old hardback.  I’ll never read it again, but know some of you are mad fans.

2. G.B. Stern’s The Matriarch. Can you believe I bought this in Europe when I had the Virago at home?

3. Angela Carter’s The Passin of New Eve.  Coulfn’t resist a Virago in London, but this is a nice hardback.

Leave a comment if you would like one or more!!


19 thoughts on “Second Copy Takeaway: Daphne du Maurier, G. B. Stern, & Angela Carter

  1. I would be happy with any of these! Have never read any of them, but I’ve liked the Du Mauriers I have read, and I’m newly interested in Angela Carter after reading The Bloody Chamber for Witch Week. I know nothing about The Matriarch but it’s a Virago so why not. Thanks for the giveaway — great idea!


  2. I would like to read The Matriarch, which sounded intriguing on Book Snob’s blog. I don’t know if Kat’s written about it.

    The Matriarch by G B Stern

    I liked Stern’s writing about Jane Austen, and being from a big Jewish family myself (well, on one side) I’m intrigued. What do you think, SilverSeason, is this something that appeals? If it is (and you spoke first), I can get it on Abebooks extremely cheap. Thank you for jogging my memory about this book, Kat. It will creep higher up my fabled TBR pile…


    • I looked at the review and — oh my! — yes, I would love a novel about a wealthy Jewish clan with lots of powerful females. One of my favorite books in recent years is The Hare with the Amber Eyes about a wealthy Jewish clan (but with more emphasis on the males). If I don’t get the book from Kat, I will have to look for it elsewhere.


      • Thought that review would get you, SilverSeason! Kat, do send it to her (in your kindness!), and I see one on Abebooks for $3 including shipping that I will snatch! We will have to compare notes. (Book Snob is another favorite book blogger, a young English teacher.)


  3. I would most certainly like The Matriarch! My dear mother in law introduced me to G B Stern many years ago and I have been circling this book with longing…and get it or not..admire your generosity


    • Kat — Please give her or another commenter the book. I just bought it used at Amazon for 2 cents (plus shipping). Other copies available, like for 1 cent, but I wanted good rather than acceptable.


      • Oh, Nancy, I love Amazon and the cheap books. I’ve gotten many a good copy for the two cents! But if you want to cancel the order I’ll put your name in the hat at the end of the day!


  4. Let me be clear. I have ordered the Stern and I have already read the DuMaurier. If no else wants the Carter, I’ll try it, but only if there are no other applicants.

    I have already benefited from past generous give-aways.


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